Commoning and Factory Recuperation

By Yavor Tarinski

factoryMany still argue that the experience of recuperating workplaces is not an alternative to capitalism. And perhaps, in and of itself, it is not. […] But it also goes beyond that: these same workers, rather than feeling depressed and having their dignity crushed, are instead leading the way for others to take back control over their own lives.

Marina Sitrin[1] Continue reading “Commoning and Factory Recuperation”

Creating A New Democratic & Collaborative Anthropological Type

By Yavor Tarinski
empowerment_sculpture_by_brian_ccbysa20_slider_cropThe public, the people, will find a way to create forms we cannot even imagine, forms that could solve problems that seem insuperable to us. So what is needed is this constant creative activity from the public, and that means mainly everybody’s passion for public affairs. ~Cornelius Castoriadis [1]

Continue reading “Creating A New Democratic & Collaborative Anthropological Type”

Solidarity economy as political economy

By Yavor Tarinski

Unlike many alternative economic projects that have come before, solidarity economics does not seek to build a singular model of how the economy should be structured, but rather pursues a dynamic process of economic organizing in which organizations, communities, and social movements work to identify, strengthen, connect, and create democratic and liberatory means of meeting their needs.

Ethan Miller, from Other Economies are Possible

events_blog_89_100_414x290Nowadays the term solidarity economy is being used to indicate non-capitalist alternative realities that function inside the cracks within the existing capitalist system.  The idea and practice emerged in Latin America in the mid-1980s [1] and has subsequently gained more and more popularity.  It is a logic that aims to create “economic” structures that oppose the capitalistic structures and strives to generate and sustain autonomy in our economic lives [2].  These realities consist of a post-capitalist horizon of autonomous communities, in which the economy is returned to its place, i.e. to serve human life rather than being its ultimate goal [3]. Continue reading “Solidarity economy as political economy”

Steps Towards a New World

By Yavor Tarinski

On some occasions, rare though they are, the slogan “Another world is possible,” becomes reality.

Raul Zibechi

6a011168396c67970c01b8d0758747970cNowadays the exit from the so-called economic crisis in Europe has become the main topic of conversation. Various politicians, “experts” and technocrats speak of possible exits from the critical situation in which our societies have been trapped. But their proposals rarely go beyond unlimited economic growth and neoliberal austerity politics, which are being imposed in increasingly authoritarian ways [1], the consequences of which are increasingly difficult to hide. The other alternative which is being presented to us by the mass media is the one of the radical left parties (such as the Greek SYRIZA and the Spanish Podemos). Continue reading “Steps Towards a New World”